I am very excited to announce that I will start hosting Babybrains® workshops for parents and professionals. As a pedagogical professional, my heart expands when I can share this valuable information to (new) parents. Psychology, Pedagogy, Science made accessible and easy to understand and implement in everyday life.

What is Babybrains®? 

Babybrains® is a series of interactive workshops designed to help parents and educators better understand the development of children aged 0-4.
We will do that while taking a look at recent research in Neuroscience and Psychology in a fun, engaging way.

Created by Silvia Dalvit Ménabé, an Italian neuroscientist, it is the only parenting education program endorsed by the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Cambridge.

Our mission: To empower parents with the latest scientific knowledge, to interact with their children in the most effective way, to improve the quality of development and of the parent/child relationship.


Babybrains®  is not a user’s manual:  It helps you understand children’s behaviors and learn how to respond to their needs. Science can help us understand why children act the way they do, but only you as a parent, or caregiver, know what the right strategy for your child is. 

Babybrains® gives you the tools to become an informed, positive, effective parent. 

We often feel frustrated and experience information overload. There is a lot of literature out there telling us what to do. Our expectations are high and too often don’t match what our children can do or their developmental state. 

What if we stood still for a moment and looked at our children?

What are they telling us?

What are they showing us? 

Your child is the only one who can tell you what (s)he needs.

I am going to show you how to use the scientific approach to gain a better understanding of our children. This is what we call the L.O.V.E. approach

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The Babybrains® series is divided into 6 sessions:

Good Family Habits (based on the Science of Memory)

  • How does memory work?
  • How can I establish good family habits?
  • How does play come into play?

Manipulation and Tantrums (based on the Theory of Mind)

  • Understanding the cognitive development of the child: What is Theory of Mind?
  • What is REALLY a tantrum?
  • Understanding needs

Separation Anxiety (based on Object Permanence)

  • Why do children cry when their parents leave?
  • What is separation anxiety and where does it originate?
  • Separation anxiety according to age
  • When is separation anxiety excessive?

Language and Bilingualism (based on Linguistics)

  • How does language development work in children?
  • What is bilingualism and why is it important?
  • When and how can we introduce a second language?

Motivation and Discipline (based on the Science of Motivation)

  • Punishments and Rewards: what does Neuroscience say about them?
  • How do we motivate children to learn?
  • The role of Curiosity
  • L.O.V.E. approach

Attachment and Independence (based on the Science of Attachment)

  • What is attachment theory?
  • The role of the relationship between parent-child
  • How can we promote independence? 

Additional Information:

The Workshops are live, and interactive. Children are welcome. 
The sessions can be online, in the privacy of your home, with a small group of other parents (to be) or for professionals. 

We cover the age 0 to 4 years, you are welcome to join even if your child is older or your child isn’t born yet.

Materials included. 

Partner come free. Want to bring your nanny too? Nannies get 50% discount. (One nanny for a fully paying couple)



Online, 6 sessions, 180€  (max 6 couples)

Online, 1 session, 45€ 

Private course, 1 couple, 210€ + travel expenses. (2 meetings, 3 sessions per meeting)

Due to the big difference in Rental prices, the price for in-person workshops will vary. My mission is to keep it affordable for everyone. Payment plans available.

How Can  I Register and Pay?

Send an email with your name, surname, address, phone number to valentina@junobirths.nl

You will receive your course spot confirmation and the details for payment (bank transfer). Right after payment, you will receive the link for the course. 

Next Sessions:

Start March 27 2023, 19:30-21:15 (presentation+ discussion) 2 sessions

Registration ends Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Categories: Doula Life

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