Pregnancy and Birth Support
Free Introduction Meeting
Free Discovery Meeting. In-person, Online, or over the Phone. 45 minutes.
“Secure Base” Package
- 1 get-to-know meeting (45minutes)
- 2 large prenatal meetings (2h each). We’ll discuss your pregnancy and birth journey, birth preferences, relaxation and breathing techniques, pain management and comfort measures during labour, postpartum planning.
- Regular touch base via text or online meeting
- 1 meeting with your midwife/healthcare provider
- 1 birth art session (45-60 minutes)
- Unlimited contacts by text or mail
- 24/h on call from week 37 on.
- Continuous labour support.
- 1 post-partum touch base and 1 postpartum debrief: We’ll discuss your birth experience and your postpartum.
- Birth photos (please note that I am not a photographer but I will do my best to take some shots at this very important moment)
- 10% discount on all other services
“HypnoDoula” Package
- 1 get-to-know meeting (45minutes)
- 5 sessions, 2,5 hours each, private HypnoBithing® Birth Preparation (includes Material)
- Regular touch base via text or online meeting
- 1 meeting with your midwife/healthcare provider
- 1 birth art session (45-60 minutes) or 45 minutes Reflexology Massage at 38 weeks
- Unlimited contacts by text or mail
- 24/h on call from week 37 on.
- Continuous labour support.
- 1 post-partum touch base and 1 postpartum debrief: We’ll discuss your birth experience and your postpartum.
- Birth photos (please note that I am not a photographer but I will do my best to take some shots at this very important moment)
- 10% discount on all other services
“Last Minute” Package
Ideal for little budgets or last minute decisions. You can add more meetings and services (you will pay them separately).
- Bookings from 36 weeks of pregnancy on
- 1 get-to-know meeting (45 minutes), 1 online catch-up meeting (20-30 minutes)
- Unlimited contacts by text or mail
- 24/h on call from week 38 on.
- Continuous labour support.
- 1 post-partum meeting (60 minutes). We’ll discuss your birth experience and your post-partum
*Parking + traveling outside Hilversum are excluded!
Family-Sibling Doula Support
Inclusive support for all family members. For more information check my blog post.
- 1 Get to know meeting
- 3 Prenatal meetings (2h each with the sibling)
- On call 24/7 from week 38 until 42.
- Available for texts and calls
- Support to children during labour/ hospital stay (up to 24 hours, extra hours to be agreed on, 25€/hour)
- Parents’ support during labour, depending on what has been agreed on (for example during a homebirth)
- light day-to-day household tasks (meal preparation, grocery, tidying up…)
- Pet support (if applicable and previously agreed on)
- 2 post-partum meetings
Private Holistic Pregnancy and Birth Preparation
Birth Basics/ HypnoBirthing® From 195€
check page: HERE
Personal Guidance, outside of the packages. Perhaps you have only a question or need a different perspective. Topics you might need guidance on:
- Pregnancy, labour, and birth
- Support for Pregnancy Loss and Abortion
- Birth Partner Preparation
- Postnatal Planning/Meal Planning
- Birth Plan Support (generally 2-3hours)
- Breathwork
- Relaxation techniques
- Parenting coaching
- Spiritual and Energetic coaching
Birth Prep Feet Massage
Relaxing Reflexology foot and leg massage, Reiki, Polarity and Energy work for relaxation and labour inducing/ preparation. From week 37.
1h, 65€
Postnatal Care
A Good Birth Preparation includes Planning for your Postpartum
Postpartum Planning
- 1 free discovery meeting (45 minutes)
- 2x 2h 180€ (Rather do this online? Or with a friend? Then it’s 150€ -per person)
Planning may include : - Practical Planning: for example making home ready for baby, working through your to-do list, etc.
- Meal Planning: I help you think of nutritious food ideal for the early postpartum
- Q&A: I’ll answer any questions about the postnatal period and baby care
- Personalized Guidance over Whatsapp/email, whenever you need it.
Postpartum Plan+Prep
This includes the actual cooking of the meals!
Do you want me to pick up something on the way? No problem!
- 1 free discovery meeting (45 minutes)
- preliminary planning (2 h): We discuss your wishes, preferences, tastes, and favourite meals. I will also explain the energetics of postnatal nutrition and our body’s needs after childbirth.
Prep Sessions: - 2x 2h (or 1x 4h) x 2 weeks -> 450€
- 2x 2h (or 1x 4h) x 3 weeks -> 520€ instead of 540€
- 2x 2h x 4 weeks -> 760€ instead of 810€
Is the baby born? No worries, I’ll bring you the meals cooked or come to prep and cook your meals fresh!
Home Support
Support for the mother, baby and the whole family.
- 3h (1day) 135€
- 3x3h (1 week) -5% 385€ instead of 405
- 3x3h x 2 (2weeks) –10 % 729€ instead of 810€
- 3x3h x 3 (3 weeks) -10% 1093€ instead of 1215€
- 3x3h x 4 (4 weeks) -10% 1458€ instead of 1620€
- 3x3h x 5 (5weeks) -15% 1721€ instead of 2025€
- 3x3h x6 (6 weeks) -20% 1944€ instead of 2430€
Traveling costs 0,25€ per Km. (free in Hilversum and surrounding)
*10% discount on all other services by booking at least 3 blocks (9hours).
Newborn Care
Planning for Baby
75€ online/ 90€ in person
Nervous about the arrival of Baby? While it is normal to feel nervous and maybe even anxious, it surely helps to express your concerns and to go over a few basics about baby care. From nappy change to sleep safety, I’ll answer all your questions and show you relevant information and recent research.
Plan a 2 hour session!
Newborn Care
Minimum 3h/ session
Postpartum Wellness
Postnatal Foot Bath and Reflexology Massage
60 min, 75€
“Mothering the Mother” Care Package
includes: herbal foot bath, yoni steam, body and foot massage, energy work. Snacks and herbal Tea.
2-2,5h: 185€
Yoni Steam
From 6 weeks Post-Partum
Not suitable during Pregnancy
about 60 minutes (intake+ yoni steaming session) 65€
Yoni steam+foot bath+energy work
Includes Herbal Tea, Snacks and one Yoni herbal mix
1,5h: 90€
Belly Binding
65€ (allow 1 hour. The bunding cloth can be bought or borrowed +20€ deposit).
Closing the Bones Ritual
2 hands ritual (the ritual will be performed by me and with the help of your partner, for a cozy and intimate experience) allow 3-4 hours.
*travel expenses outside Hilversum and parking not included!
starting at 450€
4 hands ritual (depending on the other doula hourly rate).
**Prices include btw and travelling in and around Hilversum (15km).